In a few moments, you will be asked to fill out a detailed online form which is meant to gather comprehensive information about your act or band, your music, your influences, your artistic and career goals, etc. As many applications are filed by acts or bands with multiple members, we ask that you look over the following summary of the information you will be asked to provide on the application form. If applicable, please discuss the questions with the other members of your act or band so you can compile answers that best represent the group as a whole. You might also find it helpful to review and refer to as you gather the information needed to complete the application.
Band or Artist Name
Current City
Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Phone Number
Primary Contact Email Address
Artist Website
URL to Reverbnation or Online EPK
Artist or Band Social Network Sites
Act or Band Members Personal Social Media Links
Your Genre(s)
Act or Band Bio & Formation Story
Other Venues, Festivals, Tours, and Settings You've Played In The Past?
Other Notable Professional Performance Experience
Primary Artistic Motivation
Charitable Causes You've Worked With Before
Visas/Passports Available?
Do you participate in any Extreme Sports?
What Equipment Do You Have and What Equipment Do You Require?
What Other Production Equipment Do You Own or Have Available To You For Touring?
Any Other Notes You Think Would Be Important For The Selection Panel To Consider
Please List A Personal and Professional Reference and Their Contact Info